
阿久沢正夫  大石明広  冨宿誠吾  出口栄三郎  三角一浩
坂本 紘  安田宣紘  岡本嘉六  杉村崇明

鹿児島大学農学部(〒890-0065 鹿児島市郡元1-21-24)


要     約

 わが国の6地域における飼育犬の血清レプトスピラ抗体陽性率は北海道25.8%,静岡県40.0%,富山県8.9%,兵庫県10.0%,岡山県15.0%,沖縄県29.0%であった.これらの抗体は,従来わが国で常在が確認されている6血清型(Leptospira autumnalis,L. hebdomadis,L. australis,L. icterohaemorrhagiae,L. canicola,L. pyrogenes)に対するもので,わが国では確認されていないが外国では家畜への強い病原性が認められている2血清型(L. pomona,L. hardjo)に対する抗体は検出されなかった.抗体陽性犬は臨床的に正常で,レプトスピラ症が疑われる症状および病歴はなく,血清のブドウ糖,BUN,GOT,GPT,アルカリフォスファターゼ,総コレステロール,総ビリルビンの値も正常範囲内であった.

--------------------日獣会誌 52,780〜783(1999)

Survey of the Leptospira Antibody from Dogs in 6 Regions of Japan

Masao AKUZAWA, Akihiro OISHI, Seigo FUSHUKU,
Eizaburo DEGUCHI, Kazuhiro MISUMI, Hiroshi SAKAMOTO
and Karoku OKAMOTO

Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, 1-21-24 Korimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan


 The following percentages of house dogs in 6 regions of Japan had sera reacting positively to the leptospira antibody: Hokkaido 25.8%, Shizuoka Prefecture 40.0%, Toyama Prefecture 8.9%, Hyogo Prefecture 10.0%, Oka-yama Prefecture 15.0%, and Okinawa Prefecture 29.0%. Antibodies to 6 serovars usually found in Japan (L. autumnalis, L. hebdomadis, L. australis, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, and L. pyrogenes) were detected in these districts, whereas antibodies against 2 serovars with high pathogenicity to farm animals elsewhere but unconfirmed in Japan (L. pomona and L. hardjo) were not detected. All antibody-positive dogs were clinically normal and free of clinical signs or suggestions of leptospirosis. Their serum glucose, BUN, GOT, GPT, alkaline phosphatase, total cholesterol, and total bilirubin were within normal ranges.
―Key words : dog, leptospira antibody, serum biochemistry.

--------------------J. Jpn. Vet. Med. Assoc., 52, 780〜783(1999)