
永 田 雅 彦

ASCどうぶつ皮膚病センター(〒182-0012 東京都調布市深大寺東町1-3-2)


要     約

 アトピー性皮膚炎(以下,AD)の犬60頭と痒を有する非AD犬53頭に皮内反応および血清特異IgE抗体測定(以下,血清検査)を実施した.AD犬の皮内反応陽性率はノミ40.0%,チリダニ(以下,ダニ)96.7%,花粉18.2%,血清検査陽性率はノミ13.3%,ダニ83.3%,花粉33.3%であった.非AD犬の皮内反応陽性率はノミ15.1%,ダニ5.7%,花粉6.7%,血清検査陽性率はノミ9.4%,ダニ23.7%,花粉6.7%であった.AD犬におけるダニ陽性抗原の内訳は,皮内反応がコナヒョウヒダニ(以下,Df)85.2%,ヤケヒョウヒダニ(以下,Dp)29.6%,血清検査がDf 83.3%,Dp 22.2%であった.非AD犬におけるダニ陽性抗原の内訳は,皮内反応がDf 7.9%,Dp 0%,血清検査がDf 23.7%,Dp 7.9%であった.本邦のAD犬に関与する抗原として,Dfを中心としたダニがきわめて重要であることが明らかになった.

--------------------日獣会誌 52,658〜660(1999)

Responses to Antigens in Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis

Masahiko NAGATA

Animal Dermatology Center, ASC, 1-3-2 Jindaijihigashi, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0012, Japan


 Intradermal skin tests (IDST) and measurements of allergen-specific IgE antibodies (serologic tests) were performed on 60 dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) and 53 pruritic dogs without AD. Dogs with AD showed positive reactions to fleas in 40.0% of cases examined, to house dust mites (mites) in 96.7%, and to pollen in 18.2%. Serologic tests on the same animals produced positive reactions to fleas in 13.3% of all cases, to mites in 83.3%, and to pollen in 33.3%. IDST on pruritic dogs without AD showed positive reactions to fleas in 15.1% of all cases, to mites in 5.7%, and to pollen in 6.7%. Serologic tests on the same animals showed positive reactions to fleas in 9.4% of all cases, to mites in 23.7%, and to pollen in 6.7%. According to IDTS results, 85.5% of dogs with AD reacted positively to the mite Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) and 29.6% to the mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp). Serologic tests showed that the corresponding percentages were Df 83.3% and Dp 22.2%. According to the results of IDST, 7.9% of pruritic dogs without AD, reacted positively to Df and 0% to Dp. The corresponding percentages were Df 23.7% and Dp 7.9% in serologic tests. The findings of this study indicate that the mite is the most significant antigen associated with canine AD and that Df is the most common variety in Japan. 
―Key words : flea, mite, pollen, skin test, specific IgE antibody.

--------------------J. Jpn. Vet. Med. Assoc., 52, 658〜660(1999)